Chris's 9'6 Nose rider shaped up and ready for glass
Every time i go up to Queensland it seems like there is one spot that
is on the whole trip. You can't quite see it, but there is 3ft sets going through at
that point in the distance and i'm sitting out the back trying to hustle my way onto one.
Another holiday snap from the pass two weeks ago

The 2" balsa stringer pig project will be starting soon.
I'll be laying up and making the fin, helping glue up the blank, shaping, glassing and laying a polish down.
Keep posted to see each step of the way!

Late night port mac stop delivering some boards.
Sorry mike, it was to late to stop by .

I have decided to offer some surfboard projects that i have been wanting to do for a while now. All these boards will be price on agreement and are sure to look amazing. Look on the sidebar for the list and e-mail me for any enquiries you may have.

sydney's northern beaches. 6-8ft and firing between the bomb sets....

9'5 Beach break log with 11" of flex
for my recent Noosa trip

mysto Valla beachbreak. as surfed by a los log gos member at large.
perfect rivermouth peak, and potential in the distance...


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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