A bunch of boards going to Finbox thirroul

4'10 Chip
5'2 Chip
5'0 Chip
9'6 Waxa Noserider
9'4 Beach break

Po on his 9'4 "Model Po" at bondi the last time it was sunny

Red 9'5 noserider for john and a 9'10 nose rider for my trip to Noosa in 2 weeks!
Chris has got his new waxa nose rider and he's frothing
If your like me and froth on 1950's - 60's logs, you have got to come check this out. Barry is getting his secret stash of boards out of the roof and putting some on display. You can also come and meet me and the other bennett shapers to talk boards and stuff
Simon Perini snapped a couple of photos of us last week, it was pretty horrible surf. hopefully get it better next time
Ill be heading over to the sugar mill next thursday to check this out
How about this weather, this is the best shot i could get with my 50mm lens while a storm was going on outside.
Custom Noserider for Chris with some sweet wedge stringers
Bennett and Waxa collab

Ill be doing a few boards for Bennett's to be sold at their showroom in brook vale. They have some real quality boards and it was an honour to be asked to do some logs for them.

An introduction to our new "chip" model

sullivanlc.com filming

Waxa noserider
9'7 1/4 x 18 1/2 x 23 x 16 1/2 x 3
My new log for fighting the summer crowds

A rare stock board for sale
5'0 x 21 3/4 x 2 1/2 "Chip"
Gone Gone Gone
Email for detail

Get your orders in and ill have them ready to put under the tree

------LOS LOGGOS, all riding WAXA surfboards on a recent Crescent head trip------
sullivanlc.com photography

My main man Dez, holding the fort down
9'4 Waxa Noserider going to dripping wet bondi
Toms custom 9'6 Nose rider

New decal i got made for summer.

Laying down some resin panels
on tom's cappuccino nose rider

Couple pics of our late arvo session at bondi
from atdusk

Leroy Granis

5'0 Chip
9'6 Beach Break
9'3 Beach Break

5'0 x 21 3/4 x 2 1/2

Foiling fins is itchy work

Had to suit up
vive la france
Bondi longboarders club
Got in the final but the results blew away in the wind along with the entry fee's


9'6 x 23 x 3
Beach Break

Demo Log
Go and speak to john at dripping wet bondi if you want to
take this one for a spin. john will be taking orders for me, trade in
your old board and grab a waxa log, short board or anything.



My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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