This is what happens when your 3 day old board gets hit at 80km/hr
so bummed for the guy
Not much room in the shaping bay to get a decent shot
but this is toby's 5'10 Quad
ready for glass
Concave view
9'6 PIG

These photos don't do this board justice
but its the best i could get before rushing down
for a arvo surf at loggers lane (mid Bondi)

9'6 x 18 x 23 x 16 x 3

Bondi breach break model
Custom triple or quad stringers with glass
on fin going for $1500 with 5 - 6 week turn
around if you get in quick

email me for more board details

ED's new pig in progress
Going for a late 1950's style pig with all the
modern rocker and foiling

9'6 x 16 3/4 x 23 x 16 1/2 x 3 1/8

Rounded pin 3 fin with carbon fibre strips on the tail

This board is way to pretty to be sitting in a store
I have put this board on ebay to sell at cost

She's 9'8 x 18.5" x 23" x 16" x 3"
Glassed not to heavy not to light
3 x 6oz on the top
2 x 6oz on the btm

Nose concave..Tail kick... 50/50 rails....A real nice nose rider
Comes with my 10.5" Yellow hatchet.
I have put more pictures on ebay
Its under waxa noserider


James stoked on his custom 9'4 Beach break

9'4 x 23 x 3

I have a 5 -6 wk turn around for customs at the moment.
Logs starting from $1100
Shortboards from $700

Back in action after as po tells it "just tapped a rock"

Shoot me an email if want to rent her out

Jelly bean orange

2 + 1
Kauai doing its thing last winter

we heart surfing

thanks aquabumps for making the logs look this pretty...


Bondi Beach Break
Stock log getting glassed

80z glass w/ Glass on fin
Triple Cedar Stringer
High density foam

9'6 x 18 x 23 x 16 1/2 x 3
Email me for any queries

Bondi Beach Break

Getting sanded this week
Can't wait to take this one out


5'9 x 20 1/2 x 2 3/8


My photo
Bondi Beach, NSW, Australia







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